Delta Gamma Pot holders and Sunburst Square.
1:07 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Hello Everybody, first i'd like to say I have my camera now and have some beautiful 8.0 megapixel photos to show my new projects!
Here is my first non-traditional granny square! How exciting. its a Sunburst square I found with You can access the pattern here. It was a very fun patter with puff and cluster stiches. This is the first square for my afghan i'm making for my Boy friends Grandma. Me and my mom made a afghan for MY grandma over christams break. It turned our very nice... Guess I just love making afghans!
Well I'm very excited about this square! Hope you can make it and enjoy it too.

I love your sunburst square. Could you sew 2 together back to back & make a hotpad for hot pans/dishes to sit on?
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